Treasure of the Rudras Item Listing with Memory codes, release 08.22.04 Kurt Reonis ( This item listing is a comprehensive guide to every item in Treasure of the Rudras. I've also included the zSNES code to give you nine of whatever item you decide you like. This FAQ is copyright (c) 2004 by Kurt Reonis. Please contact me if you'd like to use this FAQ is some other manner than viewing. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Offense³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Bows: ----- Adler (7E083F09) Attack +75 Sells: 480 ragu * Bow Fongoose (7E085909) Attack +84 Sells: 620 ragu * Bow, Anti-pollution Lars (7E083E09) Attack +104 Sells: 920 ragu * Lightning Bow - Element: Thunder Ophelia (7E084109) Attack +113 Sells: 1,050 ragu * Wind Bow - Element: Wind Perdita (7E084209) Attack +129 Sells: 1,300 ragu * Light Bow - Element: Light Regulus (7E083D09) Attack +61 Sells: 260 ragu * Bow Rondine (7E084009) Attack +93 Sells: 750 ragu * Fire Bow - Element: Fire Broadsword: ----------- Apocalypse (7E086009) Attack +128 Sells: Unsellable * Light Broadsword - Element: Thunder Aspirade (7E080109) Attack +12 Sells: 110 ragu * Broadsword Balthazar (7E086209) Attack +87 Sells: 1,200 ragu * Broadsword Dark Sword (7E080B09) Attack +67 Sells: 1,090 ragu * Dark Broadsword - Element: Dark Dion (7E086409) Attack +70 Sells: 940 ragu * Broadsword Dithras (7E080709) Attack +138 Sells: Unsellable * Broadsword Ephirade (7E080209) Attack +41 Sells: 530 ragu * Broadsword Flame Sword (7E080809) Attack +115 Sells: Unsellable * Fire Broadsword - Element: Fire Fortune (7E080409) Attack +104 Sells: Unsellable * Broadsword, anti-lizard Light Sword (7E080A09) Attack +109 Sells: 1,520 ragu * Light Broadsword - Element: Light Sigmund Sword (7E085F09) Attack +83 Sells: Unsellable * One of the 3 receptacles - Element: Water Sleipnir (7E080509) Attack +34 Sells: 430 ragu * Broadsword Somation (7E080309) Attack +26 Sells: 300 ragu * Broadsword, anti-plant Storm (7E080909) Attack +28 Sells: 340 ragu * Lightning Broadsword - Element: Thunder Theseus (7E086109) Attack +50 Sells: 489 ragu * Broadsword Volsung (7E080609) Attack +100 Sells: 1,390 ragu * Dark Broadsword - Element: Dark Yoto (7E085E09) Attack +61 Sells: 609 ragu * Dark Saber - Element: Dark Canes: ------ Cervin (7E082E09) Attack +3 Sells: 1,530 ragu * Wind Cane - Magic Defense: 2 - Element: Wind - Spr: 4 Lumiere (7E083009) Attack +6 Sells: 3,140 ragu * Light Cane - Magic Defense: 4 - Element: Light - Spr: 8 Mukale (7E082D09) Attack +3 Sells: 1,320 ragu * Lightning Cane - Magic Defense: 2 - Element: Thunder - Spr: 4 Oxyones (7E082B09) Attack +1 Sells: 240 ragu * Fire Cane - Magic Defense: 1 - Element: Fire - Spr: 2 Prospero (7E082F09) Attack +5 Sells: 2,710 ragu * Dark Cane - Magic Defense: 4 - Element: Dark - Spr: 8 Solomon (7E082C09) Attack +1 Sells: 460 ragu * Water Cane - Magic Defense: 1 - Element: Water - Spr: 2 Bison (7E083609) Attack +26 Sells: 750 ragu * Lightning Claws - Element: Thunder Jackal Nail (7E086609) Attack +28 Sells: 660 ragu * Water Claw - Element: Water King Bear (7E083709) Attack +42 Sells: 1,010 ragu * Claws Mono Nail (7E086509) Attack +94 Sells: 2,015 ragu * Fire Claw - Element: Fire Prince Nail (7E083509) Attack +2 Sells: 350 ragu * Claws Red Cougar (7E083809) Attack +70 Sells: 1,470 ragu * Fire Claws - Element: Fire Crossbows: ---------- Dark Bow (7E084809) Attack +153 Sells: 1,740 ragu * Dark Crossbow - Element: Dark Fire Bow (7E084409) Attack +103 Sells: 940 ragu * Fire Crossbow - Element: Fire Ice Box (7E084509) Attack +90 Sells: 740 ragu * Water Crossbox - Element: Water Thunder Bow (7E084609) Attack +112 Sells: 1,080 ragu * Lightning Crossbow - Element: Thunder Wind Bow (7E084709) Attack +132 Sells: 1,400 ragu * Wind Crossbow - Element: Wind Daggers: -------- Crystal Knife (7E081909) Attack +19 Sells: 280 ragu * Water Dagger - Element: Water Freedom (7E081509) Attack +101 Sells: Unsellable * For Treasure Hunters Hound Knife (7E081C09) Attack +58 Sells: 950 ragu * Dagger Kitchen Knife (7E082A09) Attack +65 Sells: Unsellable * Dagger, anti-lizard - Spd: 1 Laikas Knife (7E081A09) Attack +30 Sells: 490 ragu * Dagger Ragu Knife (7E081709) Attack +5 Sells: 50 ragu * Dagger Raptor Knife (7E081B09) Attack +44 Sells: 720 ragu * Dagger, anti-plant Rex Killer (7E084309) Attack +27 Sells: 430 ragu * Dagger, anti-lizard Rune Knife (7E081809) Attack +13 Sells: 130 ragu * Dagger Tuval Knife (7E081E09) Attack +85 Sells: 945 ragu * Water Dagger - Element: Water Wild Knife (7E081D09) Attack +71 Sells: 789 ragu * Dagger Maces: ------ Grand Mace (7E083409) Attack +99 Sells: 2,690 ragu * Water Mace - Element: Water Large Mace (7E083209) Attack +55 Sells: 1,450 ragu * Mace Ogre Mace (7E083109) Attack +2 Sells: 310 ragu * Abilijer's Mace Power Mace (7E083309) Attack +35 Sells: 1,030 ragu * Fire Mace - Element: Fire White Hammer (7E085809) Attack +71 Sells: Unsellable * Light Mace - Element: Light Machineguns: ------------ Aroma ZZ (7E085109) Attack +60 Sells: 1,090 ragu * Fire Machinegun - Element: Fire - Spd:-2 DOA (7E085209) Attack +41 Sells: 720 ragu Defense -1 * Dark Machinegun - Element: Dark - Spd:-4 Dusk 909 (7E085309) Attack +96 Sells: 1,780 ragu Defense -2 * Wind Machinegun - Element: Wind - Spd:-8 Glochester (7E086709) Attack +75 Sells: 1,370 ragu * Lightning Machinegun - Element: Thunder - Spd:-2 T-Decline (7E085009) Attack +12 Sells: 140 ragu * Machinegun - Spd:-2 Rapiers: -------- Camellia (7E082209) Attack +42 Sells: 430 ragu * Rapier - Spd: 1 Hortencia (7E082009) Attack +15 Sells: 140 ragu * Rapier Iris (7E081F09) Attack +8 Sells: 60 ragu * Rapier Juliet (7E082409) Attack +98 Sells: 2,720 ragu * Fire Rapier - Element: Fire Narcissus (7E082309) Attack +84 Sells: 900 ragu * Water Rapier - Element: Water Viola (7E082109) Attack +30 Sells: 310 ragu * Rapier Rifles: ------- Antares (7E084A09) Attack +65 Sells: 1,130 ragu * Fire Rifle - Element: Fire Cosmo Gun (7E084B09) Attack +31 Sells: 490 ragu * Rifle Mirage (7E084F09) Attack +102 Sells: 1,840 ragu * Rifle Mist Gun (7E084C09) Attack +90 Sells: 1,600 ragu * Water Rifle - Element: Water Moon Rifle (7E084909) Attack +18 Sells: 260 ragu * Rifle Romeo (7E084E09) Attack +111 Sells: 1,990 ragu * Wind Rifle - Element: Wind Thunder'sTail (7E084D09) Attack +48 Sells: 810 ragu * Lightning Rifle - Element: Thunder Scythes: -------- Blue Swallow (7E085509) Attack +127 Sells: 2,520 ragu * Water Scythe - Element: Water Death Falcon (7E086809) Attack +153 Sells: 3,200 ragu * Dark Scythe - Element: Dark Maple Cutter (7E085609) Attack +97 Sells: 1,710 ragu * Wind Scythe - Element: Wind Red Eagle (7E085409) Attack +113 Sells: 2,150 ragu * Fire Scythe - Element: Fire White Hawk (7E085709) Attack +150 Sells: 3,140 ragu * Light Scythe - Element: Light Spears: ------- Aries (7E082509) Attack +2 Sells: 850 ragu * Spear Catarina (7E082809) Attack +38 Sells: 1,460 ragu * Lightning Spear - Element: Thunder Cyprus (7E082909) Attack +59 Sells: Unsellable * Dark Spear - Element: Dark Delphine (7E082709) Attack +44 Sells: 1,570 ragu * Water Spear - Element: Water Scorpius (7E082609) Attack +25 Sells: 1,240 ragu * Fire Spear - Element: Fire Swords: ------- Avenger (7E081009) Attack +28 Sells: 280 ragu * Sword Fokker (7E081409) Attack +72 Sells: 780 ragu Defense +1 * Wind Sword - Element: Wind - Spd: 1 Graham Sword (7E085A09) Attack +52 Sells: Unsellable * Sword, anti-armor Hamlet (7E081109) Attack +48 Sells: 510 ragu * Lightning Sword - Element: Thunder Hell Fencer (7E080D09) Attack +16 Sells: 150 ragu * Sword Ice Sword (7E080F09) Attack +68 Sells: 1,100 ragu * Water Sword - Element: Water Light Sword (7E086309) Attack +86 Sells: 990 ragu * Light Sword - Element: Light Mad Camel (7E080E09) Attack +22 Sells: 220 ragu * Sword Nuad Sword (7E085D09) Attack +114 Sells: 1,250 ragu * Sword Rafale (7E081309) Attack +86 Sells: 910 ragu Defense +1 * Water Sword - Element: Water - Atk: 2 Strangle (7E081209) Attack +36 Sells: 560 ragu * Sword Taurus Sword (7E085C09) Attack +94 Sells: Unsellable * Sword - Element: Thunder Tomcat (7E081609) Attack +96 Sells: 1,050 ragu * Lightning Sword - Element: Thunder Valkyrie (7E080C09) Attack +36 Sells: 560 ragu * Sword, anti-Giant Whips: ------ Flay Whip (7E085B09) Attack +76 Sells: Unsellable * Whip Ice Whip (7E083A09) Attack +81 Sells: 1,330 ragu * Water Whip - Element: Water Love Whip (7E083C09) Attack +93 Sells: Unsellable * Light Whip - Element: Light Nine-Tails (7E083B09) Attack +93 Sells: 1,540 ragu * Wind Whip - Element: Wind Thorn Whip (7E083909) Attack +41 Sells: 640 ragu * Whip ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Defense³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Armor: ------ Alexis Mail (7E08C209) Defense +25 Sells: 1,150 ragu * Armor,Water attribute - Magic Defense: 9 - Element: Water Cassius Mail (7E08C409) Defense +34 Sells: 1,600 ragu * Armor,Fire attribute - Magic Defense: 13 - Element: Fire Chain Mail (7E08BD09) Defense +5 Sells: 140 ragu * Armor - Magic Defense: 1 Dagda Armor (7E089709) Defense +28 Sells: 1,410 ragu * Robust Armor - Magic Defense: 5 - Spd:-4 Dennis Armor (7E08B309) Defense +8 Sells: 320 ragu * Robust Armor - Magic Defense: 1 - Spd:-4 Dorcas Mail (7E08C109) Defense +21 Sells: 950 ragu * Armor - Magic Defense: 8 Garal Armor (7E08B609) Defense +20 Sells: 960 ragu * Robust armor - Magic Defense: 3 - Spd:-1 Gregory Armor (7E08B709) Defense +24 Sells: 1,160 ragu * Robust armor - Magic Defense: 4 - Spd:-1 Hector Armor (7E08B509) Defense +15 Sells: 660 ragu * Robust armor, Fire attrib - Magic Defense: 2 - Element: Fire - Spd:-4 Hercules (7E08BC09) Defense +57 Sells: 2,990 ragu * Robust armor,Light attrib - Magic Defense: 10 - Element: Light - Spd:-2 Jaques Mail (7E08C009) Defense +17 Sells: 750 ragu * Armor,Light attribute - Magic Defense: 6 - Element: Light King's Armor (7E089309) Defense +45 Sells: 0 ragu * Robust Armor - Magic Defense: 8 - Spd:-8 Lemnos Mail (7E08BE09) Defense +9 Sells: 340 ragu * Armor,Lightning attrib - Magic Defense: 3 - Element: Thunder Lucius Armor (7E08B909) Defense +35 Sells: 1,800 ragu * Robust armor, Water attrib - Magic Defense: 6 - Element: Water - Spd:-1 Marcus Armor (7E08BB09) Defense +51 Sells: 2,640 ragu * Robust armor,Dark attrib - Magic Defense: 9 - Element: Dark - Spd:-2 MatherasArmor (7E08B809) Defense +30 Sells: 1,500 ragu * Robust armor - Magic Defense: 5 - Spd:-2 Octave Mail (7E08C609) Defense +42 Sells: 2,040 ragu * Armor,Dark attribute - Magic Defense: 17 - Element: Dark Packet Mail (7E08BF09) Defense +13 Sells: 550 ragu * Armor - Magic Defense: 4 Pilas Armor (7E08B209) Defense +6 Sells: 170 ragu * Armor from Cryunne - Magic Defense: 1 - Spd:-2 Slamath Armor (7E08B409) Defense +11 Sells: 470 ragu * Robust Armor,Lightning - Magic Defense: 2 - Element: Thunder - Spd:-4 Tybalt Mail (7E08C509) Defense +37 Sells: 1,800 ragu * Armor - Magic Defense: 15 Varo Mail (7E08C309) Defense +30 Sells: 1,400 ragu * Armor - Magic Defense: 11 Voice Armor (7E08BA09) Defense +41 Sells: 2,100 ragu * Robust armor - Magic Defense: 7 - Spd:-2 Helms: ------ Baker's Cap (7E089809) Defense +9 Sells: 890 ragu * Hat,Lightning elemental - Magic Defense: 9 - Element: Thunder - Spr: 8 Dirty Hat (7E08D109) Defense +3 Sells: 290 ragu * Dirty hat - Magic Defense: 2 Frying Pan (7E08E209) Defense +3 Sells: 250 ragu * Ring made of iron - Magic Defense: 6 Keats Helm (7E08D409) Defense +14 Sells: 1,520 ragu * Helmet,Light attribute - Magic Defense: 9 - Element: Light Logical Cap (7E08D009) Defense +1 Sells: 70 ragu * Hat,Wind attribute - Magic Defense: 2 - Element: Wind - Spr: 4 Open Helm (7E08CF09) Defense +2 Sells: 140 ragu * Helmet - Magic Defense: 1 Rinon Helm (7E08B109) Defense +14 Sells: 3,060 ragu * Large helmet,Fire attrib - Magic Defense: 11 - Element: Fire - Spr: 4 Sultan Helm (7E08D209) Defense +5 Sells: 520 ragu * Helmet,Water attribute - Magic Defense: 4 - Element: Water - Spr: 1 Zeland Helm (7E08D309) Defense +10 Sells: 1,020 ragu * Helmet,Lightning attrib - Magic Defense: 6 - Element: Thunder Robes: ------ Babel Coat (7E08C809) Defense +2 Sells: 180 ragu * Coat from Babel - Magic Defense: 3 Big Robe (7E08AE09) Defense +10 Sells: 570 ragu * Big robe - Magic Defense: 3 Cook's Apron (7E08CA09) Defense +3 Sells: 200 ragu * Cook's outfit - Magic Defense: 11 Daniel's Robe (7E08CC09) Defense +6 Sells: 1,240 ragu * Tunic,Fire attribute - Magic Defense: 26 - Element: Fire Dirty Clothes (7E08C909) Defense +2 Sells: 340 ragu * Very dirty clothes - Magic Defense: 7 Ephta's Robe (7E08CB09) Defense +4 Sells: 890 ragu * Tunic,Wind attribute - Magic Defense: 18 - Element: Wind Flay Cape (7E08C709) Defense +1 Sells: 220 ragu * Tunic for Priestess - Magic Defense: 4 Hecate's Robe (7E08CD09) Defense +7 Sells: 1,600 ragu * Tunic,Water attribute - Magic Defense: 33 - Element: Water Holy Robe (7E089009) Defense +30 Sells: 0 ragu * Holy Outfit,Receptacle - Magic Defense: 2 Large Robe (7E08B009) Defense +30 Sells: 2,160 ragu * Big robe,Water attrib - Magic Defense: 12 - Element: Water Meifa's Robe (7E089209) Defense +11 Sells: 378 ragu * Entrance to the statue - Magic Defense: 15 Ogre Robe (7E08AF09) Defense +17 Sells: 1,125 ragu * Big robe,Lightning attrib - Magic Defense: 6 - Element: Thunder Orpheus Robe (7E08CE09) Defense +10 Sells: 2,390 ragu * Tunic,Light attribute - Magic Defense: 50 - Element: Light Queen's Coat (7E089609) Defense +3 Sells: 0 ragu * Tunic for Priestess - Magic Defense: 11 Shields: -------- Aegis Shield (7E08A509) Defense +9 Sells: 480 ragu * Large shield,anti-Fire - Magic Defense: 4 - Element: Fire - Spd:-4 Axis Shield (7E08A909) Defense +3 Sells: 220 ragu * Small shield,anti-Wind - Magic Defense: 1 - Element: Wind - Spd:-1 Beluga Shield (7E08A809) Defense +15 Sells: 900 ragu * Large shield,anti-Water - Magic Defense: 7 - Element: Water - Spd:-8 BerniceShield (7E08A209) Defense +2 Sells: 60 ragu * Large shield - Spd:-2 Black Shield (7E089909) Defense +18 Sells: 830 ragu * Little shield,anti-Dark - Magic Defense: 8 - Element: Dark - Spd:-2 Braham Shield (7E08A109) Defense +15 Sells: 700 ragu * Small shield,anti-Fire - Magic Defense: 7 - Element: Fire - Spd:-4 Buckler (7E089D09) Defense +1 Sells: 40 ragu * Small shield - Spd:-1 Chop Block (7E08AA09) Defense +3 Sells: 640 ragu * Small shield of life - Magic Defense: 2 - Spd:-1 Flat Shield (7E089F09) Defense +8 Sells: 370 ragu * Small shield,anti-Lightnin - Magic Defense: 4 - Element: Thunder - Spd:-4 Gra Shield (7E08A309) Defense +4 Sells: 230 ragu * Useful against weapons - Magic Defense: 2 - Spd:-4 Heavy Shield (7E08AD09) Defense +31 Sells: 1,764 ragu * Shield,Wind Attribute - Magic Defense: 17 - Element: Wind - Spd:-8 Large Shield (7E08AC09) Defense +26 Sells: 1,176 ragu * Shield,Dark Attribute - Magic Defense: 15 - Element: Dark - Spd:-4 LucilleShield (7E08A709) Defense +13 Sells: 760 ragu * Useful against swords - Magic Defense: 6 - Spd:-8 Meio Sheild (7E08A409) Defense +7 Sells: 340 ragu * Large shield,anti-Wind - Magic Defense: 3 - Element: Wind - Spd:-4 Mirror Shield (7E089A09) Defense +23 Sells: 1,220 ragu * Shield - Magic Defense: 10 - Spd:-8 MontanoShield (7E08A009) Defense +11 Sells: 530 ragu * Small shield,anti-Wind - Magic Defense: 5 - Element: Wind - Spd:-4 Ogre Shield (7E08AB09) Defense +22 Sells: 725 ragu * Shield,Fire Attribute - Magic Defense: 12 - Element: Fire - Spd:-2 Power Shield (7E089B09) Defense +23 Sells: 0 ragu * Large shield - Magic Defense: 6 - Spd:-8 Psycho Shield (7E089C09) Defense +17 Sells: 2,000 ragu * Small shield,anti-Fire - Magic Defense: 12 - Element: Fire - Spd:-8 - Spr: 4 Rebio Shield (7E08A609) Defense +11 Sells: 620 ragu * Large shield - Magic Defense: 5 - Spd:-4 Small Shield (7E089E09) Defense +3 Sells: 200 ragu * Small shield - Magic Defense: 2 - Spd:-2 Big shoes (7E08E109) Defense +12 Sells: 2,400 ragu * Boots made for Giants - Magic Defense: 2 - Spd: 8 Big shoes (7E08E109) Defense +12 Sells: 2,400 ragu * Dirty boot - Spd: 1 Fool Shoes (7E089409) Defense +1 Sells: 0 ragu * Speed Up, Dark - Element: Dark - Spd: 4 Kemp Boots (7E08E009) Defense +1 Sells: 440 ragu * Speed Up,Fire attrib - Element: Fire - Atk:-1 - Spd: 8 Opsis Boots (7E08DD09) Defense +1 Sells: 180 ragu * Speed Up,Water attrib - Element: Water - Spd: 4 Peschel Boots (7E08DF09) Defense +1 Sells: 350 ragu * Speed Up,Lightning attri - Element: Thunder - Spd: 4 Soma (7E08DE09) Defense +1 Sells: 270 ragu * Speed Up,Wind attrib - Element: Wind - Spd: 4 ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Items³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÙ Items: ------ Alarum (7E08ED09) Sells: 100 ragu * Resurrects an ally Amrita (7E08F709) Sells: 1,400 ragu * Restores your HP and MP Black Bag (7E08FD09) Sells: 30 ragu * Bag of offensive spells Clothing Bag (7E08FE09) Sells: 40 ragu * Bag of various spells Flight Stone (7E08F909) Sells: 420 ragu * To escape from a fight Green Bag (7E08FB09) Sells: 6 ragu * Bag of healing spells Harvest Seed (7E08F609) Sells: 9 ragu * Frut restores 5 HP Horn Water (7E08F509) Sells: 210 ragu * Restores 100 MP Life Leaf (7E08F109) Sells: 2,100 ragu * Increases your HP by 20 Magic Leaf (7E08F209) Sells: 3,500 ragu * Increases your MP by 10 Medical Herb (7E08E809) Sells: 6 ragu * Restores 50 HP Mystery Bag (7E08FF09) Sells: 50 ragu * Bag with unknown effects Nasty Water (7E08F309) Sells: 19 ragu * Restores 15 MP Nuad Herb (7E08EA09) Sells: 350 ragu * Restores 200 HP Panacaea (7E08EB09) Sells: 90 ragu * Cures abnormal status Purifier (7E08F809) Sells: 500 ragu * Cure Pollution status Red Bag (7E08FA09) Sells: 3 ragu * Bag of basic spells Rem Herb (7E08E909) Sells: 50 ragu * Restores 100 HP Spirits (7E08EC09) Sells: 100 ragu * Increases abilities Tasty Water (7E08F409) Sells: 9 ragu * Restores 30 MP White Bag (7E08FC09) Sells: 10 ragu * Bag of offensive spells Plot Items: ----------- Aqua Stone (7E086C09) Sells: Unsellable * Mermaids' Lago Stone Chaos Stone (7E086F09) Sells: Unsellable * Humans' Lago Stone Dannan Stone (7E086B09) Sells: Unsellable * Danans' Lago Stone Diving Parts (7E087C09) Sells: Unsellable * Submarine parts FalseCropSeed (7E088209) Sells: Unsellable * Fruit from the Tree Garm Stone (7E087809) Sells: Unsellable * Key to the Temple of Mayur Heg's Ocarina (7E087109) Sells: Unsellable * Calls the Hegs Holy Grail (7E088F09) Sells: Unsellable * Holy Grail Receptacle HoyTree Seed (7E088509) Sells: Unsellable * Seed of the Tree Key to Babel (7E088009) Sells: Unsellable * Key to Babel's warehouses Key to Ruins (7E088109) Sells: Unsellable * Key to the Bio-tanks Magma Stone (7E087D09) Sells: Unsellable * To cross the magma Memento (7E088309) Sells: Unsellable * Form of Riza's Mother Mother Energy (7E088609) Sells: Unsellable * Energy of Vilshan's PCs Ogre Stone (7E086E09) Sells: Unsellable * Giants' Lago Stone Revive Herb (7E087209) Sells: Unsellable * Wards away death Saura Stone (7E086D09) Sells: Unsellable * Reptiles' Lago Stone Stabilizer (7E087B09) Sells: Unsellable * Calms the sandstorms Vilshan Key (7E088709) Sells: Unsellable * Key of Vilshan Warp Energy (7E087A09) Sells: Unsellable * For the Warp of Vilshan Rings: ------ Aqua Ring (7E08E409) Sells: 160 ragu * Mermaids' Water Ring - Magic Defense: 7 - Element: Water - Agi: 4 Beze Wing (7E08E509) Defense +2 Sells: 480 ragu * Speed Up,type Wind - Magic Defense: 6 - Element: Wind - Spd: 8 Fahl Stone (7E089509) Sells: 1,000 ragu * Rock from Fahl,Fire-elem - Magic Defense: 5 - Element: Fire - Spr: 2 HeatsealCharm (7E08D609) Sells: 300 ragu * Dark-based protection - Magic Defense: 6 - Element: Dark Huey Ring (7E08D509) Sells: 1,200 ragu * Huey's Ring, Fire attrib - Magic Defense: 10 - Element: Fire Moon Ring (7E08E609) Sells: 140 ragu * Dark Ring,Moon-shaped - Magic Defense: 6 - Element: Dark - Agi: 4 Pot-pourri (7E08D709) Sells: 16 ragu * Has a pleaseant smell - Magic Defense: 5 Psycho Ring (7E089109) Defense +30 Sells: Unsellable * Jewel - Magic Defense: 3 Pure Ring (7E08E309) Sells: 100 ragu * Pure Ring,Light attrib - Magic Defense: 9 - Element: Light - Agi: 8 Thor Ring (7E08E709) Sells: 110 ragu * Gold Ring,Lightning attrib - Magic Defense: 12 - Element: Thunder - Spr: 4 Credits: -------- Squaresoft - For an excellent game Gideon Zhi of Aeon Genesis - For the translation CJayC - For updating GameFaqs Update History: --------------- 08.22.04 - Initial Release